Planner, Cinematographer and Editor: Ann-Sofie Packert & Frederik Lauridsen

Producer: Ulrik Gutkin

Cinematographer: Louis Gretlund

Sound design: Mastermind Production

Producer Assistent & Fundraiser: Marianne Abildgaard

With support from the Danish Ministry of Education, we have developed and produced a digital learning tool aimed at the lower secondary level.

The plan comprises teaching resources, a teacher’s guide and three films: No more Loneliness, Voluntary Football and Volunteering for Welfare and will give the students an insight into how voluntary work and associational life is a vital part of the Danish Welfare Model. The cases presented in the films are examples of different types of voluntary and associational work that benefit the local community as well as the voluntary workers themselves. 

The project has been developed in co-operation with school teacher, Claus Abildgaard.

Link to films, educational plan and teacher’s guide: