With support from Danida and in co-operation with The Copenhagen Zoo we have developed and produced a digital learning tool with supporting films aimed at the primary and lower secondary level. 

In the films we visit the tropical rainforest and our Danish guide from the Copenhagen Zoo teaches us about the flora & fauna of the rainforest, sustainability and the threats of the palm oil production, and we meet the indigenous people who lives in and on the rainforest. 

The primary goal of the project is to increase the students’ knowledge of the rainforest and the ecology of the rainforest. The films can be used in the national science curriculum, Physics/Chemistry, Biology and Geography, to explore themes such as sustainability, social issues, climate, human impact on nature and nature management. 

Link to films, educational plan and teacher’s guide:  ZOO skoletjeneste

Director & Producer: Ulrik Gutkin

Cinematographer: Dan Säll

Consultant, ZOO: Louise Nordbjerg Bach

Assisting Producer & Fundraiser: Marianne Abildgaard